Community Referrals
The CORE project does not accept referrals from members of the public or from community-based agencies.
CORE is also not a replacement for response and services provided by Adult Protective Services, Child Welfare programs, Mental Health Services, or other established programs designed to respond to community or individual concerns.
You may find one of the following referral pathways appropriate for your needs or for the needs of a person you are concerned about.
Adult Protective Services
Adult Protective Services (APS) helps elders (60 years and older) and dependent adults (18-59 who are disabled) when these adults are unable to meet their own needs, or are victims of abuse, neglect, or exploitation. APS investigates allegations of abuse and neglect, including self-neglect, and provides information and referral, assessment, and short-term case management.
Report of Suspected Dependent Adult/Elder Abuse form (pdf)
Child Welfare Services
Family and Children’s Services (FCS) investigates reports of suspected child abuse and neglect, and intervene with families who are unable to ensure the health and safety of their child. Investigations are conducted in a thorough and professional manner and family interventions are completed in the least intrusive manner necessary for the protection of the child.
Suspected Child Abuse Report form (pdf)
Enhanced Care Management
Enhanced Care Management (ECM) is a statewide Medi-Cal benefit that addresses the clinical and non-clinical needs of high-need Medi-Cal beneficiaries enrolled in managed care health plans. Individuals with complex needs may be eligible for care coordination. More information is available on the ECM referral form below:
Partnership HealthPlan ECM referral form (pdf)
Mental Health Crisis Services
Redwood Community Crisis Center provides consultation and crisis assessments 24 hours a day, 7 days a week:
Mental Health Services ACCESS Line
This toll-free 24-hour hotline is the access point for the Mendocino County Behavioral Health system. The line provides program information, intake assessments, service referrals, patients’ rights advocacy information, and crisis counseling.
For access to an assessment and potential ongoing specialty mental services, you may submit a referral online:
Assisted Outpatient Treatment
Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT), also known as “Laura’s Law” or AB 1421, is a court-ordered treatment program for clients that meet nine very specific criteria: an adult with severe mental illness, believed to be safety risk in the community, with a history of non-compliance, who has been offered but failed to engage in treatment, without treatment will be a risk to self or others, but doesn’t currently meet 5150 criteria, who’s mental health condition is deteriorating, and would benefit from outpatient treatment.